Virtual Insanity

Organisations such as Meta, Microsoft and Unity are pouring billions of dollars into making a simulated digital environment reality. A metaverse where the advanced technologies of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain, coupled with concepts from social media, form spaces where user interaction imitates the real world. Think online gaming on steroids.

Just like the internet, no one will own the metaverse. Companies will be pitting their wits against each other to secure loyal users of their systems and interfaces. Meta already owns the leading VR headset provider Oculus, and Microsoft launched its mixed reality HoloLens smart glasses in 2016 to support various enterprise uses. And unsurprisingly, Apple has entered the fray, with rumours circulating that their AR and VR headsets are due in 2022.

The use of the metaverse is gaining momentum. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before meeting friends, enjoying live performances, even holding business meetings can be experienced in the comfort of our living rooms. Individual infrastructures already exist to support these events, with over 12 million Fortnite players tuning into a concert by American rapper Travis Scott in 2020. But while that is impressive and at times unfathomable, the technology needs to advance before a ‘real-life’ version of Ready Player One finds its way into the world. To many, this 2018 film provides possibly the best visualisation of what the metaverse may ultimately become.

It’s an exciting prospect. Technology will make our interactions, on a virtual level, more purposeful, more efficient and effective, and online collaboration more achievable. But what about the amount of time we spend in the real world? Time spent interacting outside, in the fresh air, and face to face becomes even more paramount. We already seem to be constantly plugged in, with most of us using computers at work, Netflix subscriptions continue to grow, and our phones are permanent fixtures in our hands. We must find a way to strike a balance, ensuring our mind, body and soul gets refreshed, and we take time to decompress from the technological onslaught.

I, for one, will be looking forward to embracing the metaverse, seeing how it can make me a better individual, grow my knowledge, and help client businesses grow. But this will not be a detriment of mental, physical, and emotional health, which are the foundations of a fulfilled, loving, and successful life.

At Fuelled Fit and Fired Up, our purpose is simple. We want to help you develop a healthy, successful, and sustainable business, by being curious, having honest conversations and connecting with your teams. Why don’t you contact us at and see how we can help you unleash the power in your business?

David Rogers, Founder & CEO of Fuelled, Fit and Fired Up