Sweat The Unsexy
In the mid-2000s, I discovered the work of Stephen Covey and his seven habits for highly effective people. It was my first foray into personal development, with learning influenced by external sources rather than internal training. Facilitated by two senior leaders within the business, the two-day course challenged me in ways I never imagined and, like many, revisit the behaviours regularly.
My favourite is habit seven, 'sharpen the saw', which I live by daily. Being curious by nature means I am comfortable being uncomfortable, a trait that teaches us new skills and opens up exciting opportunities to grow. Over recent months, I've focused on habit two, 'beginning with the end in mind'. Perhaps a reflection of my personal journey as I prepare to leave the corporate world and set up my new consultancy.
As I generate new ideas, meet potential partners and clients, and help organisations grow, I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the 'sexy' side of the business. Entrepreneurs have a passion for their idea. They want to share it with the world. Developing something new, innovative, or disruptive is exciting. I totally get it and am living with that feeling right now. After all, without a product to sell, there is no revenue.
But, by going back nearly 15 years and revisiting learning from a meeting room in Sheldon, Birmingham, I keep the focus on the end goal. Which is, and always will be, to help people develop commercially sustainable, financially healthy, and operationally effective businesses. Efficiently achieving this requires infrastructure, processes, and controls. It might be stock management, labour deployment, or commercial support, all second nature to large PLCs but often the 'unsexy' parts for entrepreneurs or small business owners.
As business owners share their challenges, they remind me of the phrase 'sweating the small stuff.' It means focusing your energy on things that have no significant importance. But this is relative to a point in time. Occasionally, what appears an insignificant issue now can manifest into a big problem in the future.
Where do I find the time to sweat the small and often unsexy stuff I hear you ask?
My challenge back is why you or your leadership team?
Are you genuinely sweating the ‘real’ small stuff and not delegating?
How are you valuing your time?
Who has the expertise that you need?
What is the long-term benefit of a short-term investment?
To grow any business, I believe you must 'sweat the unsexy.'
Have a brilliant week!
David Rogers
Founder & CEO, Fuelled Fit and Fired Up Ltd
At Fuelled Fit and Fired Up, our purpose is simple. We want to help you develop a financially healthy, commercially sustainable, and operationally effective business. If you are interested in finding out how we can help you sweat the unsexy, then contact us at info@fuelledfitandfiredup.com.